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HolyBible; Resource Builder utility

To facilitate the creation of your own Biblical Resource materials

The Resource Builder is a separate utility which runs alongside HolyBible. It allows you to drag in your own files and tag these to appear when relavant Bible verses are being read. Verse references can be dragged in from HolyBible or be entered manually.

After the Resource data is saved it is not necessary to run the Resource Builder to view the items. So you may send the compiled Resources to other users with HolyBible for them to enjoy.

ResBuild screen

Resource files can be any RISC OS filetype. Text, Sprites and Drawfiles are handled internally by HolyBible, and may thus be compiled by ResBuild in a compressed format.

All other filetypes (JPEG photos, MIDI music files, HTML web-pages etc) are held separately, and HolyBible will pass these to an appropriate external application if they are selected by the user. A compiled Resource looks like this when running within HolyBible:-

Resource screen

Clicking on the Item of interest will open a window to display it.

Drawings in Sprite or Drawfile format are permitted to have overlays, so that location boxes and arrows may be attached to maps without altering the original diagram.

The Resource Builder comes with a comprehensive manual and a set of example files which are used within the Tutorial Section to compile a Resource on the discovery of the text of Psalm 37 amongst the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Some commercially published HolyBible Resources, such as the NRSV Study Notes, are locked out from being edited further within Resource Builder for licensing reasons.

Others such as the REB Resources are deliberately left editable so that users can add their own material.


Order as HolyBible; Resource Builder

Single-user licence: £ 38 + VAT
Site-licence; Schools and Colleges: £ 38 + VAT


The current version of the Resource Builder is 1.76 and upgrades for existing users are available directly from ExpLAN Computers Ltd for £10 +VAT. The upgrade includes a copy of the current release version of HolyBible itself and necessary documentation. Users should state whether they have:-

  • the original ResBuild manual or the one marked 'Issue 2' at top right of cover
  • the addendum for ResBuild v1.73 or later

Contact details for ExpLAN Computers Ltd can be found on the ExpLAN homepage.

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Last modified: 24-Jul-2001